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幼儿期正处于具体形象思维阶段,他们的表象还没有完全形成,正处于积累中,还不能生成较完整的表象概念。因此,绘画活动中适当的示范是必要的。那么,究竟如何合理地使用范画?笔者通过工作实践和文献查阅等方法总结归纳了一些范画的使用策略。一、目前幼儿园美术教学中普遍存在的问题1.教师指导过多,幼儿生硬临摹教师经常是在课前准备好范画,然后在课堂上展示给幼儿,并在白纸或者黑板上仔细示范,要求幼儿把老师的作品“克隆”出来。 Early childhood is in a concrete image of thinking stage, their appearance has not yet been fully formed, is in the accumulation, it can not generate a more complete concept of appearance. Therefore, appropriate demonstration in the painting activities is necessary. So, how to use Fanjing reasonably? The author summarizes the usage strategies of some Fanfan through work practice and literature review. First, the current kindergarten art teaching common problems 1. Too much teacher guidance, hard copy of children often Teachers are ready before class, and then in the classroom to show children and carefully demonstrated on the white paper or blackboard, Ask the toddler to “clone” the teacher’s work.