The Difference of Family Education between China and America

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  1.The definition of family education and its important position
  Family is the basis of human life, is the cell of society, and is the first school of the young. From they are born, the child receive the conception, information and emotion all come from their family, and have an important influence on their future sense. It can be said that family education is more important than school education or any other educations. If regard education as a long and extended river throughout life, family education is the source of this long river; If regard education as huge building which bring up the talent, family education is the first foundation of this building. The effect of family to the child is very specific, vivid and practical. Family education has been the most important part of people’s education in modern society, as well as it plays an important role. Therefore, from this view, the child does not belong to any family, but could be regarded as future of the country and the constructor or successor of socialistic modernization. Every country knows that the competition of the future society is the competition of science technology necessarily, and the result of which is the competition of talent, the talent comes from education, and family education is the basis. From the course of one’s education for the whole life, family education becomes important component of education all one’s life. Family education’s true effect lies in making oneself become much cleverer and increase the generation’s existent ability, so that the life becomes happy and felicitous. Then, family education can promote the overall development, as a builder of future society, it is not enough that only possess intelligence and good score. At the big aim of family education, besides developing the child’s intelligence, also should take notice of the child’s non-intelligent developing and training
  2.The difference of the family education between China and America
  2.1 The direction of education is different
  Chinese parents pay more attention to social enlihtenment but ignore the growth of the child, they take the social adapted enlightenment seriously, but neglect the development of children’s characteristics, and they always train the child on their own fixed pattern to spread the broad road for their growth. In their mind, “a good child” is a child with good understanding and obediently at first, refers to masses, and love by everyone. They often control their children with their own mind and never ask for the child. They are always orders and their children are executers. So parents train the child to practice self-cultivation, self-convergence, emphasizes implicit and the conception of social rank. The Chinese parents hope their children becoming famous or better, so they overall the method of education. In the course of child’s grown, parents pay much more attention to their marks and other things except study is not useful. Yet American parents focus on providing an environment that can fight against, and develop their tenacious personality and good behavior, continue to keep on regulation, choosing the training sense and ways of themselves according to social changes and features of children on physical and mental material. They also pay more attention on developing imagination and curiosity of nature, because they believe that knowledge creation comes from curiosity.   2.2Education in emotion is different
  We cannot regard family education as a single course which parents educate the child, family education is bidirectional course between parents and their child. In this course, parents affect the child and the child affects parents, too. Parents’ concept, attitude and behavior of education affect the child’s physical body and the development of psychology; parents are also affected by the child’s acknowledge and attitude and their behavior, which include parents’ educational behavior. The course of family education is initiated by parents’ behavior or the child’s action sometimes. Maybe parents should learn their child and make up actively. The most feature of family education is different from school education is “love” education .To the basic, a clear difference is the way of expressing love to their children ,there are two forms between the Chinese parents and American parents. Generally speaking, the expressed way of Chinese parents is very indirect and implicit, they are not very good at saying “I love you” or “I miss you” to their children and always hide their emotion and express their deep love in a tactful way. In Chinese family, there are always the words such as “No”, “can not”, or “can”, “should”, “must”, which are behavior of parent’s authorities. These stiff words force the further communication between the two generations. From comparisons, American parents often tell their children that how they love or care of their children, that is simple meal to them. They also express their appreciations with encouraging words in American family .The American parents pay great attention to individual quality and emotional communication, the family mainly expand with the construction and the cultivation of emotion.
  American famous writer John Brasal said in his best seller Family May Hurt You When a person grow up, all his behaviors are determined by family environment when he was a child. Every child grows up under his parents’ family education, what kind a person will be, depends on what kind of family education he received. Children’s character and destiny are connected closely to family education. From what has been discussed above, we may see that either the Chinese tradition of family education or that of the Western family education tradition has its own strong points, they all take root in respective traditional cultural soil. If we change our point of view, we can find that American family education has some side effects and Chinese advantage.
  On the whole, no matter what disadvantage or miss, our family education can forward beyond a right way if parents grasp the family educational principle and method well. Every child is a precious existing; they have their own personality, so they should have their own educational method which suit for them best. If we can follow these changing, Chinese family education will go to a bright future, American also can get something they lack of from our family education.
王长纯先生说过:“日常的教与学的活动是教师专业发展的生动深厚的不尽源泉。教师专业发展就是要实现对每日每时的常规教学的问题解决。对教与学现有发展水平的超越,这应当是以人为本的教师专业发展的最终意义所在。”可见,对话教学中的新型师生关系为教学相长赋予了新的时代内涵,教师发展的重要意义也由此更加丰富,更加深刻,更加重要,也更加有价值。  一、教师发展的重要途径是向学生学习  在社会学家玛格丽特.米德指出
子曰:温故而知新!复习在整个学习活动中是个十分重要的环节。整理与复习课,其实包含两层基本含义有: 一是整理,是把平时相对独立进行教学的知识,特别是其中带有规律性的知识,以再现、整理、归纳等办法串起来,进而加深学生对知识的理解、沟通,并使之条理化、系统化。二是复习,是指重新学习。但绝不是简单的重复,而是在学生已有的数学知识基础上对原先学习过的数学知识内容进行高层次上的再学习,它更多的是加深数学知识的
教学目标:  知识与能力:  熟读课文,疏通文意,积累文言字词。  过程与方法:  1.重视诵读,在朗读中把握文意,逐步提高学生的自学能力。  2.在品味写景语句的过程中,引导学生体会本文比喻、拟人手法的运用及表达效果,引导学生把握形象生动的写景技巧。  情感态度与价值观:  1.学习抓住景物特点描写景的方法。  2.感受作品优美的意境,体会作者的情感。  教学重点:  在品味写景语句的过程中,引
课前预习是语文阅读教学的重要环节之一,也是学生自学能力发展的必要途径。课前预习是求知过程的一个良好的开端,是自觉运用所学知识和能力,对一个新的认识对象预先进行了解、质疑和思考的主动求知过程。  一、有效的预习作业设计  有效的预习作业设计,一是有利于学生对旧知识的回顾和复习,乃至运用;二是有利于培养学生自觉思考问题的习惯,提高分析问题,解决问题的能力,提高语文课堂教学的质量。而目前的语文预习作业设
俗话说得好:“巧妇难为无米之炊”。  在长期的教学实验中,尤其是学生在作文训练中展现出来的种种困惑让我深深感到:写作技巧犹如美食之米,细细品尝,回味无穷。  那么,如何在平凡生活中培养小学生的写作技巧呢?  一、在人物描写方面,常见的外貌描写应尽量不用“有”  纵观孩子们的作文,总会看到类似这样的句子:“她有一头漂亮的黑发,有一双乌黑的大眼睛,有一个高高的鼻子,还有一张樱桃小嘴儿”。如果我们试着去
一、教材分析  《认识人民币》是义务教育课程标准实验教科书数学(人教版)一年级下册第五单元的教学内容。人民币是我国法定的货币,在人们的生活中起着重要的作用。让一年级学生结合自己的生活经验和已掌握的对100以内数的认知,认识人民币。一方面使学生初步知道人民币的基本知识和懂得如何使用人民币,提高社会实践能力;另一方面加深对100以内数的概念的理解,体会数学与现实生活的密切联系。  二、学生分析  一年
一、用微笑告诉孩子  要达到数学课堂的和谐,关键在于老师,老师首先应该把微笑带进课堂,用和蔼慈祥的目光覆盖全体学生,应该富有感情、趣味盎然地去启发、去感染,使学生感到亲切,感到温暖,从而产生愉悦的心情,这样才能使学生对数学学习始终充满兴趣。我认为,课前的语言引导是关键,几句友好的玩笑,几句小幽默,几句赞美的话,立刻让学生的情绪得到提高。  二、用生动感染孩子  和谐的课堂氛围同样离不开老师的生动讲
众所周知,家庭教育和学校教育一样,对孩子的成长起到举足轻重的作用,苏联教育家苏霍姆林斯基说过:“没有家庭教育的学校教育和没有学校教育的家庭教育都不能完成教育人这一极其细微而复杂的任务,如果孩子在家里受到良好的教育,学校教育就能顺利进行,反之,学校也会产生很多困难。”因此,我们应该做好家庭教育方法的探索与指导,努力提高家长的教育能力。  一、营造良好的家庭氛围,铺就孩子成功之路  首先父母要努力创设
在多年的教学研究中,我经历过无数次抽丝剥茧般的艰难“磨课”,欣赏过无数个课堂上妙趣横生的精彩瞬间,也见证了众多老师在课堂磨砺中成功、成长、成才的完美蝶变。就在前不久,我校吕敏芳、毛绘老师共同执教的“The Bird”,荣获四川省英语课堂教学竞赛一等奖!好课是怎样“炼”成的呢?下面就借这节课背后的故事,谈谈个人观点。  一、学习——不遗余力  好课是教师教学智慧、教学经验和教学艺术的结晶。而这种智慧
一直以来,农村小学生习作教学是一块薄弱之地,学生怕写,教师也怕教。如何改善这一现状,也成了从事语文教学的老师们努力的方向。  经近几年的摸索实践,我个人认为:这就需要我们语文老师引导学生把目光放到生活中来,做生活的有心人,用课堂中学到的知识来描述生活,来反映生活,拉近语文与生活的关系。因为生活是习作的源泉,习作是生活的体现。  作文这件事离不开生活,生活充实到什么程度,才会做成什么文章。唯有热爱生