今年十一月二十七日,是家叔戈公振诞生的九十周年,十月二十二日又是他逝世的四十五周年,我特把他在五十多年前写的遗著《英京读书记》整理和发表出来,作为对他的追念! 家叔公振在上海时报工作时,即专心研究新闻学和中国报纸的历史。一九二五年二月,他编的《新闻学撮要》由上海新闻记者联欢会出版;一九二七年十一月,他著的《中国报学史》,又由上海商务印书馆出版。他当时称新闻学为“报学”,称报纸的历史为“报学史”。如他在一九二六年六月为《中国报学史》写的《自序》一开头就说: 民国十四年夏,国民大学成立,延予讲《中国报学史》。予维报学(Journa-
On November 27 this year, it is the 90th anniversary of the birth of Shugang Gezhen and another forty-fifth anniversary of his death on October 22, I specially put the memory of his death more than 50 years ago The book of reading in Beijing was collated and published as a reminiscence of him! When Uncle Gong shook his post in the Shanghai Times, he devoted himself to studying the history of journalism and Chinese newspapers. In February 1925, he compiled The Summary of Journalism published by the Shanghai Journalists Association. In November 1927, he published The History of Chinese Newspapers, which was published by Shanghai Commercial Press . At that time, he called journalism “newspaper study,” saying that the history of newspapers was “the history of newspaper studies.” As he said at the beginning of his “Preface” to the “History of China’s Newspaper Study” in June 1966, he said: In the fourteenth summer of the Republic, the National University was established to give a lecture on “the history of Chinese newspapers.” To the newspaper reported (Journa-