传统观点认为,血压越低总的死亡率就低,死于心肌梗塞(MI)和中风就越少。Cruickshank等提出,舒张压和死于 MI 之间呈 J 形曲线关系,而这些仅限于患有冠心病的高血压患者。另一些学者主张这种关系也存在于有或无冠心病的人群中。作者根据34年随访资料,以探讨血压与具有 MI 的高危人群中因冠心病死亡的关
The traditional view is that the lower the blood pressure, the lower the overall mortality rate, died of myocardial infarction (MI) and stroke less. Cruickshank et al. Suggest that there is a J-shaped relationship between diastolic pressure and MI, which is limited to patients with CHD. Other scholars advocate that this relationship also exists in people with or without coronary heart disease. Based on 34-year follow-up data, the authors investigated the relationship between blood pressure and death from coronary heart disease in high-risk MI patients