最近德国Jeyes有限公司向我国推出其产品蟑螂诱饵剂(UNGEZIEFER—K ODER),为考核其防治效果,为该产品今后在我国推广应用提供科学依据,我们对其产品进行蟑螂诱杀效果测定,现将结果汇总如下:1 试验材料及方法1.1 试虫 德国小蠊(BLATTLA GER-MANICA)1~2周龄成虫,雌、雄各半。
Recently, Jeyes Co., Ltd. of Germany introduced its product UNGEZIEFER-K ODER to China to test its control effect and provide a scientific basis for the promotion and application of the product in China in the future. The results are summarized as follows: 1 Test materials and methods 1.1 test insects German cockroach (BLATTLA GER-MANICA) 1 to 2 weeks old adult, female and male half.