目的优选何首乌Polygoni Multiflori Radix产地加工与饮片炮制一体化工艺,为何首乌产地加工与饮片炮制一体化工艺提供科学依据。方法采用正交试验法对一体化加工工艺中烘干温度、时间这2个显著影响因素进行考察。以何首乌中指标性成分二苯乙烯苷、结合蒽醌质量分数为考察指标,通过综合评分法对一体化工艺进行优选研究;以小肠推进率、首次排便时间及粪便含水量为指标,比较2种工艺“润肠通便”的作用;以小鼠耳廓肿胀度及炎症因子为指标,比较2种工艺饮片的抗炎作用。结果优选结果显示,新鲜何首乌切6 mm厚片,置于干燥箱内在50℃下烘16 h的工艺较优;与《中国药典》2015年版中的传统工艺所得饮片相比,一体化工艺所得饮片指标成分及润肠通便作用没有显著性差异,抗炎效果优于传统工艺。结论何首乌产地加工与饮片炮制一体化工艺切实可行,可操作性强。
Objective To optimize Polygoni Multiflori Radix origin processing and processing of Pieces integrated process, why Polygonum origin processing and Pieces processing integrated technology to provide a scientific basis. Methods Orthogonal experiment method was used to investigate the significant influence factors of drying temperature and time in the integrated processing technology. In this method, the optimal combination of stilbene glucoside and anthraquinone was taken as the index to evaluate the integrated technology. The rate of intestinal propulsion, the time of first defecation and the water content of faeces were compared. Technology “” laxative "role; mouse ear auricle swelling and inflammatory factors as an indicator to compare the anti-inflammatory effects of two kinds of process Pieces. Results The results showed that fresh Polygonum multiflorum cut 6 mm thick slices and placed in a drying oven at 50 ℃ for 16 h were better than those obtained from the traditional Chinese Pharmacopoeia 2015 edition. The index composition and laxative effect no significant difference, anti-inflammatory effect is better than the traditional process. Conclusion The processing of Polygonum multiflorum and Pieces processing integrated process is feasible and feasible.