1 基本概况 玉林市位于广西壮族自治区的东南部,地处北纬21°38′~24°02′,东经l109°11′~110°53′之间。海拔高度最高为大容山主峰1275m,最低为博白县西南边那交河,小于10m,而海拔高度在200m以下的占70%。全市区属亚热带季节气?
1 Basic profile Yulin is located in the southeast of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, located between latitude 21 ° 38 ’~ 24 ° 02’ and longitude l109 ° 11 ’~ 110 ° 53’. The highest elevation is 1275m in the main peak of Mount Tai, with a minimum of 10m in the southwest of Bobai County and 70% of which is below 200m in altitude. The city belongs to the subtropical season?