如何在社会主义市场经济条件下预防和科学调处水事纠纷,是摆在水行政主管部门面前的一项不可忽视的重要工作。 一、水事纠纷的主要特点 水资源具有整体性、系统性的特点,不可能因行政区划而人为分割。所以,水事纠纷往往涉及面广,矛盾复杂,调处难度大,有其自身的特点。 1.冲突对峙的激烈性。由于受利益驱动,冲突双方群体极易产生恶斗,造成严重的人员伤亡和财产损失。 2.利益划分的倾向性。纠纷地区多为省、地区等行政区划的分界河两岸。为争水不惜人力、物力而拦河引流,不怕冒险破坏对方设施;为争地不惜赶河造田,部分河段成为与行洪能力不相称的“狭道”;为争水能盲目建设水电站,你截我的水流,我封你的水口;汛期多
How to prevent and scientifically mediate water disputes under the conditions of a socialist market economy is an important task that can not be ignored in front of the water administrative department. First, the main features of water disputes Water resources have a holistic, systematic features, it is impossible for the administrative divisions and artificial division. Therefore, water disputes are often involved in a wide range of complex contradictions, adjustment difficult, with its own characteristics. 1. The intense confrontation of conflicts. Driven by profit, groups on both sides of the conflict are highly vulnerable to serious fighting and property losses. 2. The tendency of the interests of the division. Dispute areas and more for the provinces, regions and other administrative divisions across the river. In order to fight for water, it is not afraid to risk destroying the facilities of other countries at the expense of manpower and material resources. It is not a “narrow road” that disproportionate to the capability of flood discharge, You cut my flow, I sealed your mouth; flood season and more