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Edison had a quick mind about inventions(发明),but not always about other things.Oneday he received a notice(通知).It said that hemust pay some money to the government(政府)by the next day.If he was late,he wouldhave to pay still more money.Edison went to thecity office,many people were waiting there inline to pay.While he waited,his mind was busywith ideas about a new invention.When hearrived at the little window,the man in it said toEdison,“Young man,what’s your name?Edisonlooked at the man,Surprised. Edison had a quick mind about inventions (invention), but not always about other things.Oneday he received a notice(notice).It said that hemust pay some money to the government(government) by the next day.If he was late, He wouldhave to pay still more money.Edison went to the city office,many people were waiting there inline to pay.While he waited,his mind was busywith ideas about a new invention.When hearrived at the little window,the man in it said to Edison , "Young man, what’s your name? Edisonlooked at the man, Surprised.
在初中阶段《思想政治》课的学习过程中,不断提高归纳能力训练,有利于知识的掌握和运用.下面所归纳的初中阶段社会发展常识中带有“标志”性的事件或人物,供参考. In the l
答案具有或然性的热学“可能”题,是近年各地中考物理试卷中持续上扬的热点之一.实践表明,它对于考查学生的基础知识、思维能力 The probable thermal “probable” questi
例1 两只“220V 100W”的灯泡并联后接入电路,通过的总电流是0.8安。求每只灯的实际功率。 错解:两只灯的总功率 P_总=UI_总=220伏×0.8安=176瓦。 所以,每只灯的实际功率
一、填空题(每空二分,共32分)升高相同的温度,吸收的热量 Qo_Q。; 1.一物体自空中某一高度处自由落下(不 若吸收相同的热量,升高的温度to&_计空气阻力L当落至另一高度时,它的
复习高中数学时有这样一道习题 :设 ABDC为一正方形 (图 1),其边长为 a,E、 F分别是 CD和 BD的中点 ,对其作几何变形 :分别沿 EF、 AE和 AF折起 ,使 B、 C与 D重合于一点 ,求
题目:如图1所示,R_1是定值电阻,R_2是滑动变阻器,电源电压不变,温度对电阻阻值的影响不计.当滑动变阻器滑 Title: As shown in Figure 1, R_1 is a fixed value resistor,
一、填空题(每题2分,共24分)点时具有的重力势能是20焦耳,若不计空气阻 1.光在真空中的传播速度为.米o吵,力,当它落回抛出点时的动能是.焦耳,光在其他介质中的传播速度比在真
注意:本卷凡用到g一律取10牛顿仟克.2.如图1表示的是一束光线从空气斜射到 一、选择题(1~10题为单项选择题,每题2 水面时,发生的反射和折射的光路,则光路和标分.11~15题为多项