Experimental charge density distribution and its correlation to structural and optical properties of

来源 :Journal of Rare Earths | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:palerm97
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Pure and Sm~(3+) doped Nd_2 O_3 nanophosphors were synthesized using modified Pechini method. The phase formation with symmetry of the sample is confirmed by the Rietveld refinement of the powder Xray diffraction(PXRD) data. The surface morphology and the crystallite size were examined using scanning electron microscopy(SEM) and transmission electron microscopy(TEM) and the results confirmed that the synthesized particles are in nanosize. The energy-dispersive X-ray(EDX) analysis was done to confirm the purity of the sample. The optical properties of the sample were studied using ultraviolet-visible range(UV-Vis) spectroscopic analysis and photoluminescence studies. The calculated band gap of the synthesized Nd_2 O_3 was found to be higher than that of bulk Nd_2 O_3. The photoluminescence(PL) of the prepared samples reveals that doping with Sm3+ ion has influenced the optical properties. Quantitative investigation on charge density distribution was done by analysing the 3-dimensional and 2-dimensional charge density maps drawn along the bonding directions. The maximum entropy method(MEM)/Rietveld analysis was used for the first time to analyse the charge density in the chosen system. Charge density arrangement in the unit cell is correlated to the analysed photoluminescent(PL) properties. The spectral behaviour of the samples has been explained through charge ordering which are verified using experimental data obtained. The studies on these materials have shown that these nanophosphors will provide promising application for near-ultraviolet lightemitting diodes(n-UV-LEDs). Pure and Sm ~ (3+) doped Nd_2 O_3 nanophosphors were synthesized using modified Pechini method. The phase formation with symmetry of the sample is confirmed by the Rietveld refinement of the powder Xray diffraction (PXRD) data. The surface morphology and the crystallite size were examined using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and the results confirmed that the synthesized particles are in nanosize. The energy-dispersive X-ray (EDX) analysis was done to confirm the purity of the sample. The optical properties of the sample were studied using ultraviolet-visible range (UV-Vis) spectroscopic analysis and photoluminescence studies. The calculated band gap of the synthesized Nd_2 O_3 was found to be higher than that of bulk Nd_2 O_3. The photoluminescence (PL) of the prepared samples reveals that doping with Sm3 + ion has influenced the optical properties. Quantitative investigation on charge density distribution was done by analyzing the 3-dimensional a nd 2-dimensional charge density maps drawn along the bonding directions. The maximum entropy method (MEM) / Rietveld analysis was used for the first time to analyze the charge density in the chosen system. Charge density arrangement in the unit cell is correlated to the The spectral behavior of the samples has been explained through charge ordering which are verified using experimental data obtained. The studies on these materials have shown these nanophosphors will provide promising applications for near-ultraviolet lightemitting diodes (n- UV-LEDs).
近年来,人们被“富贵病”吓怕了,对“高胆固醇”、“高脂肪”等等避之惟恐不及。诚然,“高”会给人体带来危害,但是我们也不能盲目地走向另外一个极端。因为“低”也同样会对身体造成危害。  人们越来越认识到“高”(如高胆固醇易使心、脑血管受害)的危险,于是转而求“低”。其实,盲目求“低”违背了生理规律,也非健康之道。让我们来看看“低”有哪些危害之处。      低脂肪    美国斯坦福大学内分泌学专家雷文
睑黄疣多见于中老年女性,主要原因是常食用肥猪肉等高脂肪的食物,脂质沉积于眼睑所致。一般睑黄疣的皮损始发于上睑近内眼角的部位,可逐渐向上下眼睑蔓延,常对称分布,初起时为一个或数个淡黄色的小点,后逐渐扩大、融合、隆起而形成柔软的柠檬色斑块,看起来就像小片黄油贴在表面,表面光滑,边缘清楚,缓慢发展。  睑黄疣的出现是高血脂的信号,它能反映出人体的血脂情况。由于先天遗传或过食肥甘等后天原因,致使血脂代谢紊
〖作者简介〗  北京中医药大学教授、博士研究生导师,中国中医科学院第一位肾病学博士,肾病学科创始人时振声教授的第一位博士研究生,著名肾病学家、伤寒学家、疑难病学专家。     生命在于运动,已经成为人类的共识,健康的法宝。在人们日益追求生活质量,人类健康问题日益突出的今天,运动的浪潮日益高涨。肾病患者应该运动吗?答案是肯定的,事实上许多肾病患者已经加入到运动大军中去了,并且已经从运动中受益。  当