人总是要有卧床不起的那一天,但要尽可能推迟这一天的到来。卧床不起一般都发生在患病之后,因此,预防卧床不起,首先要预防相关的疾病,且要在病情稳定后尽早开始活动。 1 卧床不起影响生存质量 老人患病后卧床不起是一个重要的社会问题,不仅增加了陪护人员的负担,而且使生存质量急剧下降。长期卧床,肌肉逐渐萎缩、关节挛缩以及骨质疏松,全身功能都明显下降;稍事活动有可能引起体位性低血压;由于免疫功能下降,易发生上呼吸道感染或肺炎;消化不良、便
People always have to bedridden the day, but as far as possible to postpone the arrival of this day. Bedridden generally occurs after the illness, therefore, to prevent bedridden, we must first prevent the related diseases, and to stabilize the condition as soon as possible after the start of activities. 1 bed can not afford to affect the quality of life after bed sick elderly people is an important social issue, not only increased the burden on accompanying staff, but also a sharp decline in the quality of life. Long-term bed rest, muscle atrophy, joint contracture and osteoporosis, systemic function were significantly decreased; a slight activity may cause orthostatic hypotension; due to decreased immune function, prone to upper respiratory tract infection or pneumonia; indigestion, then