
来源 :国际病毒学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zd013wyt
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目的:探讨安徽省安庆市新型冠状病毒肺炎(coronavirus disease 2019,COVID-19,简称新冠肺炎)患者的流行病学及临床特征。方法:采用回顾性研究方法,纳入2020年1月23日—2020年2月11日在安庆市三甲医院确诊的80例COVID-19患者,对其流行病学及临床资料进行收集。结果:80例确诊患者分布于安庆各地区,其中有武汉暴露史者47例(58.8%),密切接触新冠肺炎患者引起发病者29例(36.2%),暴露史不明确者4例(5.0%)。确诊患者中男女性别比为3:2,平均年龄42.2岁,职业以工人/农民为主(42.5%)。80例确诊患者有8例(10.0%)在就诊时无任何症状,其余72例(90.0%)患者从发病到就诊中位时间为5.0 d。临床症状主要包括:发热62例(77.5%)、干咳34例(42.5%)、乏力29例(36.3%)等。实验室检查结果一般表现为白细胞降低17例(21.3%)、淋巴细胞降低34例(42.5%)、活化部分凝血活酶时间(activated partial thromboplastin time,APTT)时间延长46例(57.5%)、C反应蛋水平升高49例(61.3%),个别患者存在肝肾功能损害。多数患者的CT影像学改变以磨玻璃样阴影(60.0%)和斑片状阴影(25.0%)为主,累及双肺患者(68.8%)多于单肺患者(21.3%)。治疗以α-干扰素雾化吸入、洛匹那韦/利托那韦、中药制剂等为主,80例患者均预后良好。结论:COVID-19传染性强,隐匿性强,应对重点人群强化管理及自我防护,对密切接触者早发现、早隔离、早诊断、早治疗。“,”Objective:To analyze the epidemiological characteristics and clinical features of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) cases in Anqing city of Anhui province.Methods:The epidemiological and clinical data of 80 COVID-19 patients diagnosed in a tertiary hospital of Anqing area from the January 23 to February 11, 2020 were collected, and the data were analyzed with a retrospective study.Results:The 80 patients distributed in each county of Anqing city, including 47 cases (58.8%) with exposure history related to Wuhan, 29 close contacts (36.2%) of COVID-19 patients and 4 cases (5.0%) with unidentified contact history. Among the confirmed cases, the male-to-female ratio was 3:2 and the average age was 42.2 years old. The occupations of the patients were mainly workers/peasants (42.5%). Among the 80 confirmed cases, 8 patients (10.0%) had no symptoms when they were in the hospital, and the median time from onset to diagnosis for the other 72 patients (90%) was 5.0 days. The main clinical symptoms were fever in 62 cases (77.5%), dry cough in 34 cases (42.5%), and fatigue in 29 cases (36.3%) The routine blood test showed decreased white blood cell counts in 17 cases (21.3%), decreased lymphocyte counts in 34 cases (42.5%), increased activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT) in 34 cases (57.5%) and increased level of C-reaction protein (CRP) in 49 cases (61.3%). Some patients had mild liver and kidney damage. Most patients showed ground glass shadow (60.0%) and patchy ground glass shadow (25.0%) in CT. Patients with both lung affected (68.8%) were more common than patients with single lung afftected (21.3%). All 80 COVID-19 patients showed good prognosis after treatments with interferon-α inhalation, lopinavir/ritonavir and Traditional Chinese Medicine.Conclusions:COVID-19 was highly infectious with strong concealment. Management and self-protection for high-risk population should be enforced. Early detection, early isolation, early diagnosis and early treatment should be applied to close contacts.
目的:探讨淋巴细胞/白细胞比值(lymphocyte / leukocyte ratio,LWR)、中性粒细胞/淋巴细胞比值(neutrophil/lymphocyte ratio,NLR)、淋巴细胞/单核细胞比值(lymphocyte/monocyte rat
目的:通过分析可摘局部义齿(removable partial denture,RPD)修复患者的基本情况及人格特征,探讨患者情况及其人格特征与治疗期望值、满意度的相关性,以及期望值对满意度的影响
目的:研究载不同浓度TGF-β1微球缓释药动力特性,评价载TGF-β1微球涂层多孔钛对成骨细胞影响。方法:采用粉末注射成形(Metal Injection Molding, MIM)技术制备60%孔隙度具有连通孔结构多孔钛;用改良乳化冷凝聚合交联法制备明胶缓释微球;用渗涂法在多孔钛表层孔隙内涂覆载TGF-β1明胶微球涂层,用MTT法检测载TGF-β1微球涂层多孔钛的细胞毒性,ELISA法检测该涂层