
预变形对463 K人工时效Al-Cu-Mg合金显微组织的影响

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研究了预变形对Al Cu Mg合金 46 3K人工时效行为的影响。结果表明 ,预变形可以提高合金的峰值硬度 ,合金峰值硬度的增加来自于S相数目的增加和尺寸的减小 ;并且由于预变形产生的位错可以作为空位的陷阱 ,减少了GP区沉淀析出的数量 ,因此预变形减少了合金在第 1阶段的硬化效果 The effect of pre-deformation on the 46K aging behavior of Al Cu Mg alloy was studied. The results show that the pre-deformation can increase the peak hardness of the alloy, and the increase of the peak hardness of the alloy comes from the increase of the number of S phases and the decrease of the size. Moreover, the dislocations generated by the pre-deformation can serve as the trap of vacancies, Therefore, the pre-deformation reduces the hardening effect of the alloy in the first stage
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