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  奥地利中心的工作团队积极践行崭新的业务发展策略,是成功吸引大量会议预订的主要原因。这些大型会议一般提前三年预订,而合作谈判提前的时间甚至更远。奥地利中心董事总经理Susanne Baumann-S?llner表示,“我们不仅重新设计了场馆,购置了新的家具,还设立了商务大厅,并在A馆使用了新的灯光概念,销售团队和项目经理也格外出色。我非常高兴地看到,过去几年来 ,我们的努力获得了回报。”

  Austria Center Vienna
  Surrounded by contemporary architecture, just 7 minutes from the city centre and a few minutes’walk from the Danube and the Donaupark. Austria Center Vienna
  As Austria’s largest conference centre has a total capacity for 20,000 delegates and offers 24 lecture rooms for between 100 and 4,320 participants, 180 meeting rooms and 22,000 square meters of exhibition space.
  2016 is shaping up to be a very strong year for conferences at the Austria Center Vienna: the ten large-scale congresses booked between March and November will draw a combined total of around 77,000 international participants. Eight of these events will focus on medical s p e c i a l i s m s , r e f l e c t i n g t h e o u t s t a n d i n g international reputation of Austria’s largest conference venue when it comes to staging medical congresses with complex technical requirements.
  New strategy and focus for the whole team is a major factor behind conference boom. Largescale international conferences are booked around three years in advance, with initial talks starting a long way before that. “I’m very pleased that our ef for ts over the past few years – not only the redesign of the venue, in particular the new furniture, the Business Lounge and the new lighting concept in Hall A, but also the dedication of our sales team and project managers when it comes to staging conferences – are now clearly bearing fruit. Especially in the last three years we have shown just how effective the Austria Centre Vienna is at staging successful international congresses,” commented Susanne BaumannS?llner, Managing Director of the Austria Center Vienna.
记者:请您简要介绍布尔诺商展公司(BVV)的历史和展览业务。  辜立杰:布尔诺市处于非常有策略性的地理位置,也是一个贸易中心。布尔诺展览中心作为欧洲地区重要的展览中心,建于1928年。今天,布尔诺展览中心是中欧地区重要的展览中心,连接斯洛伐克、匈牙利、波兰、奥地利和德国。从1956年起,捷克国际机械博览会(MSV)就开始在此举办。会展中心举办的展览主要为机械工程展,涉及行业包括机床、塑料与其他工业
墨西哥,“仙人掌的国度”,龙舌兰酒的原乡,拉美经济大国,北美自由贸易区成员,全球最开放的经济体之一。2013年,中墨两国签订全面战略合作协议。现在,越来越多的中国企业正在抓住墨西哥在农产品、 汽车及零配件行业 、可再生能源、基础设施建设、矿产等领域的巨大投资机会。  不断强化的双边经贸关系  2013年,中墨两国国家元首签订了全面战略合作协议。此后,两国一直致力于加强双边关系,通过务实的活动加强沟
From 19-23 October 2016, as the leading yealy event in the publishing world, the Frankfurt Book Fair will once again be held in Frankfurt, Germany. The Frankfurt Book Fair is the international publish
根据中国贸促会的数据,2016年, 中国企业出国参展展出面积为83.5万平方米,增长14%;参展企业数为5.84万家,增长12%,实现了过去数年来的首次回升,尤其是在国际知名大展上,中国展团以稳步增长的面积和不断提高的展出水平,引起了主办方和观众的关注。有哪些因素促进了中国展团面积的增长?各方如何联手助力中国展团呈现独特风采?本期杂志邀请到各跨国主办方负责人与出展代理企业代表发声畅谈。  In r
全球最大书展法兰克福书展将于10月19-23日在法兰克福举行。书展主席岳根·博思将在五月底的京交会期间第四次举办“故事驱动”大会。本刊记者就本届书展亮点及京交会参会等话题对他进行了采访。  书籍是文化的重要载体。请问跟其他行业的展会相比,举办书展是否有独特挑战?法兰克福书展如何成功实现促进贸易和文化交流的双重目的?  法兰克福书展早已超出“书展”这一单一概念,不仅只是推动版权贸易,而是发展成为内容
3月31日,全球历史最悠久的综合影像类展会——世界影像博览会(photokina),在上海陆家嘴地标性建筑环球金融中心的86层观景沙龙内举办了今年的第二场中国发布会。科隆国际展览有限公司的首席运营官卡塔琳娜·克里丝汀·哈玛(Katharina C. Hamma)女士、科隆国际展览有限公司行业副总裁马库斯·奥斯特(Markus Oster)先生、德国影像工业协会执行董事克里斯蒂安·穆勒·里克尔(Ch
WOC Las Vegas 2017, organized by Informa Exhibitions, will be held from 17 to 20, January, 2017, in Las Vegas, United States. Over 1,500 companies in the building and concrete world are expected to at
R+T global series, organized by Messe Stuttgart and local organizers in different cities of the world, is the world’s leading trade fair for roller shutters, doors/gates and sun protection systems. R+
Nothing is as constant as change – or as exciting. When radical changes and shifts in perspective result in new opportunities, innovative business ideas and significant trends, market players have to
Our 2016 Annual Conference host La Cité Nantes Events Center exemplifies the circumstances in which many centres find themselves today – competing for business – sometimes against larger competitors -