用12个玉米自交系按7×5不完全双列杂交配成35个组合,对其籽粒产量等12个农艺性状的一般配合力进行了研究。结果表明:P1组亲本中185M和262M等两个玉米自交系的一般配合力高,其次为杂N和921211。P2组亲本中212B的一般配合力高,其次为5H 113和4H 1B3。在育种上应利用这些一般配合力效应值高的玉米自交系作为杂交亲本,以便组配出强优势的杂交种。
Twelve maize inbred lines were used to make 35 combinations by 7 × 5 incomplete diallel crosses, and the general combining ability of 12 agronomic traits such as grain yield was studied. The results showed that two maize inbred lines such as 185M and 262M in P1 group showed high general combining ability, followed by N and 921211. 212B parents of P2 had higher general combining ability, followed by 5H 113 and 4H 1B3. In breeding, these maize inbred lines with high general combining ability effect should be used as hybrid parents in order to formulate strong heterosis hybrids.