印度紫檀(Pterocarpus indicus)又名青龙木。属蝶形花科的落叶大乔木,树高30—40米,胸径可达150厘米。疏植一般枝下高不足3米,肥地密植的可有10—15米。阳性树种,根系发达,萌芽力强,生长迅速。边材黄白色,易受虫蛀;心材紫红色,纹理细致美观,经久耐用,是家具、建筑、雕刻、乐器等名贵用材。木材煎剂用于治疗水肿和膀胱结石;割破树皮流出红色树脂,
Indian red sandalwood (Pterocarpus indicus), also known as blue dragon wood. Is a large butterfly deciduous tree flowers, tree height 30-40 meters, diameter up to 150 cm. Thinning generally less than 3 meters tall branches, fertile land can have 10-15 meters. Positive tree species, developed root system, strong sprout, rapid growth. Yellow-white sapwood, susceptible to moth-eaten; heartwood fuchsia, delicate texture and beautiful, durable, furniture, architecture, sculpture, musical instruments and other valuable timber. Wood decoction for the treatment of edema and bladder stones; cut bark out of the red resin,