A tactic of speedboat using its high speed and high maneuverability to defend against helicopter rocket attack is put forward.Secondly, qualitative and quantitative analysis is made on the tactics that different tactics want to decide on speedboat maneuver to avoid helicopter rocket attack, and then the model of rocket motion , Bomb distribution model and rockets rocket hit the speedboat model.Analyzed the success probability and success number of the rocket to avoid the rocket missile under different maneuver plans.According to the simulation results obtained in the specific to decide the success of the speedboat to use their own characteristics The tactics and methods to avoid helicopter rocket attack are given.The results show that the avoidance effect of maneuvering using the emergency braking steering method is best when using the maximum rudder steering at the maximum speed and the accelerating steering at the full speed, followed by the cruising speed to accelerate the steering or the uniform steering Maneuver; Finally, the use of the same heading, the method of emergency gear maneuvering.