
来源 :中国血吸虫病防治杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shakekele
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目的掌握三峡工程运行后鄱阳湖血吸虫病流行区居民疫水接触特征,为制定有针对性的防治对策提供参考依据。方法选择鄱阳湖2个湖沼型血吸虫病疫区村居民作为观察对象,以问卷调查方法调查居民接触疫水情况。结果鄱阳湖区居民接触疫水比例及频率较高,平均疫水接触率为69.77%,98.96%的疫水接触行为发生在春、夏、秋3个季节。成年男性以生产性接触疫水为主,主要接触方式为捕鱼和游泳/玩耍;成年女性以生活和生产性接触疫水并重,主要接触方式为洗衣和捕鱼;学生以生活和娱乐性接触疫水为主,主要接触方式为游泳/玩耍和洗手,3类人群疫水接触率分别为73.33%、71.63%和61.87%。居民接触疫水频率>1次/周、1次/周~1次/月和<1次/月的构成比分别为62.61%、23.74%和13.66%。结论鄱阳湖区居民接触疫水主要时间段为春、夏和秋季,主要接触方式为捕鱼,种田和打草等生产性接触疫水已由过去的主要方式转变为现在的次要方式。 Objective To understand the contact characteristics of the residents’ floods in the epidemic area of ​​schistosomiasis endemic to Poyang Lake after the Three Gorges Project operation, and to provide a reference for the formulation of targeted prevention and control measures. Methods The residents of the two swampy schistosomiasis endemic areas in Poyang Lake were selected as the observation objects, and the survey of residents’ exposure to the polluted water was conducted by questionnaire survey. Results The proportion and frequency of exposure to polluted water in Poyang Lake region were high. The average contact rate of polluted water was 69.77%. The polluted water contact behavior of 98.96% occurred in three seasons of spring, summer and autumn. Adult males are predominantly affected by productive contact with polluted water and the main modes of contact are fishing and swimming / playing. Adult females pay equal attention to both livelihoods and productive contact with wastes and their main contacts are laundry and fishing. Students are exposed to life and recreational contact The main contact modes were swimming, playing and hand washing. The contact rates of the epidemic water in the three groups were 73.33%, 71.63% and 61.87% respectively. Residents contacted the epidemic frequency of> 1 / week, 1 times / week ~ 1 times / month and <1 times / month of the constituent ratios were 62.61%, 23.74% and 13.66% respectively. Conclusions Residents in Poyang Lake are affected mainly by spring, summer and autumn in contact with water. The main contact ways are fishing, and the productive contact water such as farming and slashing grasslands has changed from the main mode in the past to the present secondary mode.
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慢性非传染性疾病社区综合防治是国家慢性病防治的一项基本策略.本文通过分析目前影响社区慢性病防治有效开展的因素和慢性病防治项目的 特点,提出政府要采取合适的干预措施.