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本文主要论述了在魏晋时期,中国书法美学思想所发展的社会与时代背景,阐明了魏晋时期书法的美学特征,以及在玄学影响下书法的审美取向,并通过几个著名书家为代表来阐明魏晋书法的美学特质与风采。以及魏晋时期书法美学思想对自己产生的重大影响。 This paper mainly discusses the social and historical background of the development of calligraphic aesthetics in Wei and Jin Dynasties, and expounds the aesthetic characteristics of calligraphic works in the Wei and Jin Dynasties and the aesthetic orientation of calligraphics under the influence of metaphysics. It is represented by several famous calligraphers To clarify the aesthetic characteristics and style of Wei and Jin calligraphy. As well as the Wei and Jin Dynasties calligraphy aesthetics thought of their own major impact.
宋代徐铉的笔记《稽神录》卷六《袁州老父》载:袁州乡下有老翁,性情敦厚,声望很好,家里也比较富有。  有天,一穿着紫衣的少年,坐着豪车,后面跟着许多仆从,到老翁家讨吃的。老翁随即将少年请进家门,端上丰盛的食物,随从也一并款待。少年興冲冲地吃,老翁站着想:哎,这里的官员和富家我基本都认识啊,此少年到底是谁呢?  少年见老翁脸上有疑虑,就对他说:您怀疑我吧,我和您直说了,我是仰山的神。  老翁听到这里,