
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘.眼科学分册 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:heixianshengzhs
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PURPOSE: To report a new extraocular muscle surgery procedure for large-angle extorsion, and clinical management of subjective tilt and diplopia after full macular translocation (MT360). Design: Consecutive retrospective case series. Participants: Seven patients with downward MT360 were evaluated after MT360, both before (preoperative) and after (postoperative) extraocular muscle surgery, with at least 6 months’follow-up. Methods: Information gathered included demographics, visual acuity, ocular motility, torsion by Maddox rod, ocular history, and symptoms of visual disturbance. Surgery on extraocular muscles was performed based on the magnitude of torsion measured after MT360 surgery. Main Outcomes Measures: Maddox rod testing of torsion after MT360, and both preoperative and postoperative extraocular muscle surgery. Results: Mean preoperative torsion was reduced from 45.4±11.3°to 8.3±4.8°(at 6 months after MT360) (P=0.03). Extraocular muscle surgery slightly reduced the mean hypertropia of the operated eye (preoperative, 20±10 prism diopters PD , vs. postoperative, 11±6 PD) (P=0.06). Mean exotropia was affected minimally by extraocular muscle surgery (preoperative, 22±31 PD, vs. postoperative, 20±24 PD). Three patients required a second extraocular muscle surgery (performed on the fellow eye) to correct residual extorsion and diplopia. Overall, 85%(6/7) of patients were free of both diplopia and tilt after 1 or 2 extraocular muscle surgeries. Conclusions: Although our patients continued to have significant horizontal/vertical strabismus postoperatively, the extraocular muscle surgery performed was successful in reducing the torsional misalignment enough such that the remaining diplopia could be successfully ignored or suppressed. PURPOSE: To report a new extraocular muscle surgery procedure for large-angle extorsion, and clinical management of subjective tilt and diplopia after full macular translocation (MT360). Design: Consecutive retrospective case series. Participants: Seven patients with downward MT360 were evaluated after MT360 Methods: Information collected included demographics, visual acuity, ocular motility, torsion by Maddox rod, ocular history, and symptoms of visual Surgery on extraocular muscles was performed based on the magnitude of torsion measured after MT360 surgery. Main Outcomes Measures: Maddox rod testing of torsion after MT 360, and both preoperative and postoperative extraocular muscle surgery. Results: Mean preoperative torsion was reduced from 45.4 ± 11.3 ° to 8.3 ± 4.8 ° (at 6 months after MT 360) (P = 0.03). Extraocular muscle surgery slightly reduced the mean hype rtropia of the operated eye (preoperative, 20 ± 10 prism diopters PD, vs. postoperative, 11 ± 6 PD) (P = 0.06). Mean exotropia was affected minimally by extraocular muscle surgery , 20 ± 24 PD) Three patients required a second extraocular muscle surgery (performed on the fellow eye) to correct residual extorsion and diplopia. Overall, 85% (6/7) of patients were free of both diplopia and tilt after 1 or 2 extraocular muscle surgeries. Conclusions: Although our patients continued to have significant horizontal / vertical strabismus postoperatively, the extraocular muscle surgery performed was successful in reducing the torsional misalignment enough such that the remaining diplopia could be successfully ignored or suppressed.
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一、合作备课提出的背景  随着新课程改革的进一步推进,教学管理人员和广大数学教师积极提倡集体备课,实行“电脑联网、资源共享”,但从具体实施和实际效果来看,多数学校对于集
研究了新型含铌马氏体耐热不锈钢1Cr16Ni4Nb在普通热处理以前增加调质处理后对其组织与性能的影响。结果表明,增加调质处理后,1Cr16Ni4Nb试验钢的组织更为均匀,韧性提高。 T