美刊《Tech Notes》介绍了一种等温锻压设备,这种改进了的设备可生产带端盘的长轴,并由于利用可拆卸式冲头,因而可缩短所需冲程的一半。为了易于装料和拆卸锻件,常规的等温锻压机的锻造冲程至少应比被锻轴长一倍。而推荐的这种锻压机是在常
The American publication Tech Notes describes an isothermal forging press that can produce long shafts with end discs and uses half the required stroke with a removable punch. For easy loading and removal of forgings, the conventional isothermal forging press has a forging stroke at least twice as long as the forged shaft. The recommended forging machine is often