用禽流感病毒疫苗给家禽进行免疫接种是预防禽流感发生与传播的主要措施。但是,用疫苗进行免疫接种可能不会使病毒的复制和排泄停止,并且对在免疫接种的鸡群中特别是在集约化生产方式的鸡群中可能出现毒力更强的病原体。文章特别指出,当前,用行政手段强行取缔小规模的家禽生产被认为是既不现实也不适宜的。在许多国家和地方,特别是在发展中国家,在庭院中饲养小规模的家禽可能是保证食物安全、增加经济收入以及进行农业虫害管理等方面的一个重要来源。本文系由英国皇家防止虐待动物协会(RSPCA)提供,比较系统、全面地介绍了关于禽流感发生与传播的历史和一些最新的研究进展。原文为英文,现结合我国的具体情况加以编译,供我国有关方面参考。为方便读者,www.zgdwbj.com提供pdf格式的全文下载。如果您有兴趣和RSPCA的这方面专家探讨有关禽流感的问题,请发电子邮件至[email protected],我们会尽快协助。
Vaccination of poultry with the bird flu virus vaccine is the main measure to prevent the occurrence and spread of bird flu. However, vaccination with vaccines may not stop replication and excretion of the virus, and virulent pathogens may appear to be present in vaccinated chickens, particularly in an intensive mode of production flock. In particular, the article pointed out: At present, the imposition of administrative measures to ban small-scale poultry production is considered neither realistic nor appropriate. Small-scale poultry keeping in the yard in many countries and places, especially in developing countries, may be an important source of food security, increased economic income and the management of agricultural pests. This article is provided by the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA) and systematically and comprehensively introduces the history and some recent research advances on the occurrence and spread of bird flu. The original text is in English and is compiled according to the specific conditions of our country for reference by relevant parties in our country. For the convenience of readers, www.zgdwbj.com pdf format to download the full text. If you are interested in discussing issues related to bird flu with RSPCA experts, please email [email protected] and we will assist you as soon as possible.