光纤激光相干合成技术是实现高功率、高亮度光纤激光系统的重要技术途径。采用主振荡并联放大器(MOPA)方案对三路掺镱光纤放大器进行实时相位探测与校正,其中每路光纤放大器的输出功率大于等于1 W,三路总功率大于等于3 W。采用铌酸锂光纤相位调制器,外差法系统的移频量为40 MHz,相位探测与校正精度优于λ/20,整个光路为全保偏光路。实验分别给出了两路和三路光纤放大器的相干合成结果。系统开环时,远场光斑为动态、模糊干涉条纹,条纹可见度为7%和6%;系统闭环运行时,远场光斑为稳定、高对比度干涉条纹,条纹可见度有大幅度提高,达到44%和48%。这表明闭环控制使两路和三路光纤激光的相位变化得到了有效补偿,系统实现了相位锁定运行和高相干度合成输出。
Fiber laser coherent synthesis technology is to achieve high power, high brightness fiber laser system, an important technical approach. The main oscillator parallel amplifier (MOPA) scheme is used to detect and correct the three-way Yb-doped fiber amplifier in real-time. The output power of each fiber amplifier is 1 W or more and the total power of three channels is 3 W or more. Using LiNbO3 phase shift modulator, the frequency shift of the heterodyne system is 40 MHz, the phase detection and correction accuracy is better than λ / 20, and the entire optical path is full polarization. Experiments were given two and three fiber amplifier coherent synthesis results. When the system is open-loop, the far field light spot is dynamic and fuzzy interference fringes, the visibility of the fringes is 7% and 6%. When the system is in closed loop operation, the far field light spots are stable and high contrast interference fringes, the visibility of the fringes is greatly increased to 44% And 48%. This shows that the closed-loop control of the two-way and three-way fiber laser phase change has been effectively compensated, the system achieved a phase-locked operation and high coherent synthesis output.