1 patient data, female, 26 years old, G1P0. Past health, menstrual regularity, pregnancy check everything is normal, pregnant six months, the last menstruation 2010-06-17, menopause more than 50 days, confirmed by urine test urine. Pregnancy 18 weeks 2d conscious fetal movement. Physical examination: height 153cm, body weight 50kg, P64 times /min, BP120/70mmHg(1mmHg=0.133kPa), the general state of good, anemic appearance, cardiopulmonary normal, B-: biparietal diameter 3.9cm, head circumference 14.9cm, Abdominal circumference 12.7cm, femur length 2.69cm, humerus length 2.3cm, fetal heart rate 155 times / min, the placenta attached to the uterus