尽管生物学家一自对生男生女的比例与季节变化有关持怀疑态度,但最近,德国科学家提出这样的观点:如果夏天持续异常炎热一段时间,第二年春季男孩的出生率将较高,即天气反常变暖后妇女怀男孩的可能性较大。据明斯特大学的Alexander Lerchl报
Although biologists are skeptical about the proportion of male-to-female sexes and seasonal variations, recently German scientists have put forward the notion that if the summer continues to be unusually hot for some time, then the next spring will have a higher birth rate for boys in the spring, namely After the weather is getting warmer, women are more likely to have boys. According to Alexander Lerchl of Münster University