2013年香港国际青少年及儿童合唱节首次设立合唱指挥大师班,好评如潮,反应非常热烈!本届合唱节再次诚邀到欧洲及世界一流的合唱指挥大师Denes Szabo举行新一届合唱指挥大师班,让参加者及合唱爱好者向世界级指挥大师学习。本次合唱节还邀请到Cantemus Pro Musica女声合唱团作示范演出,让参与者有机会与世界一流合唱团合作,指挥学院将在毕业音乐会中指挥Cantemus Pro Musica女声合唱团演出,机会非常难得,大家切勿错过!赶快报名,通过邮寄、电邮或传真递交至《中国音乐教育》杂志社,今年7月来香港向各专业合唱界大师学习!
2013 Hong Kong International Youth and Children’s Choir Festival for the first time set up a choral master command class, rave reviews, the response is very warm! The choir again invited to Europe and the world-class master choral conductor Denes Szabo held a new master choral command , Let the participants and chorus lovers to master the world-class master study. This choral festival also invited the Cantemus Pro Musica female choir to perform a demonstration, giving participants the opportunity to work with world-class choirs. The command academy will direct the Cantemus Pro Musica female voice choir at the graduation concert. The opportunity is very rare. Please do not miss out! Sign up and submit it to China Music Education magazine by mail, email or fax. In July this year, Hong Kong will learn from masters of various professional choral groups!