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   I met a man who came to Tampa for his father's funeral. Father and son hadn't seen each other in years. In fact, according to the son, his father had left when he was a boy, and they had had little contact until about a year ago, when his father had sent him a birthday card with a note saying he'd like to see his son again.
  After discussing a trip to Florida with his wife and children and consulting his busy schedule at his office, the son tentatively set a date to visit his father two months later. He would drive his family down when school was out for vacation. He scribbled a note and with mixed emotions, dropped it in the mail.
  He heard back immediately. Written on lined paper torn from a spiral notebook, such as a schoolboy would use, were words of excitement penned in a legible scrawl. Misspelled words, poor grammar and incorrect punctuation bounced off the page. The man was embarrassed for his father. He thought twice about the upcoming visit.
   It just so happened that the man's daughter made the cheerleading squad at her school and had to go to a camp conducted for cheering techniques. Coincidentally, it started the week after school was out. The trip to Florida would have to be postponed.
  His father said he understood, but the son didn't hear from him again for some time. A note here or there, an occasional call. They didn't say much-muttered sentences, comments about "your mother", a couple of stories about the man's childhood-but it was enough to put together a few of the missing pieces.
  In November the son received a call from his father's neighbor. His father had been taken to the hospital with heart problems. The son spoke with the charge nurse, who assured him his father was doing well following a heart attack. The doctor could provide details. His father said, "I'm fine. You don't have to make a trip out here. The doctor says there was minor damage, and I can go home day after tomorrow."
  He called his father every few days after that. They chatted and laughed and talked about getting together “soon”. He sent money for Christmas. His father sent small gifts for his children and a pen and pencil set for his son. It was a cheap set, probably purchased at a discount pharmacy or variety-type store, and the kids tossed their tokens from Grandpa aside without much notice. But his wife received a precious music box made of crystal. Overwhelmed, she expressed her gratitude to the old man when they called him on Christmas Day. “It was my mother's,” the old man explained.“I want you to have it.”
  The man's wife told her husband that they should have invited the old man for the holidays. As an excuse for not having done so, she added, “But it probably would be too cold for him here, anyway.”
  In February, the man decided to visit his father. As luck would have it, however, his boss's wife had to have an operation, and the man had to fill in and work a few extra hours. He called his father to tell him he'd probably get to Florida in March or April.
  I met the man on Friday. He had finally come to Tampa. He was here to bury his father.
  He was waiting when I arrived to open the door that morning. He sat in the chapel next to his father's body, which had been dresses in a handsome, new, navy blue suit and lay out in a dark blue metal casket. "Going Home" was scripted inside the lid.
  I offered the man a glass of water. He cried. I put my arm around his shoulder and he collapsed in my arms, sobbing.“I should have come sooner. He shouldn't have had to die alone.” We sat together until late afternoon. He asked if I had something else to do that day. I told him no.
   I didn't choose the act, but I knew it was kind. No one else came to honor the life of the man's father, not even the neighbor he spoke of. It cost nothing but a few hours of my time. I told him I was a student and that I wanted to be a professional golfer, and that my parents owned the funeral home. He was an attorney and lived in Denver. He plays golf whenever he can. He told me about his father.
  That night, I asked my dad to play golf with me the next day. And before I went to bed, I told him, "I love you, dad."
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