姚珠珠:中国舞蹈家协会理事、国家一级演员,第七、八、九、十届全国政委员,新中国培养的第一代舞蹈家,自1 952年8岁起入中央实验歌剧院舞蹈团,师从戴爱莲先生,边走边舞至今已逾61载。曾在大型歌舞史诗《东方红》中担任领舞,代表作品有《飞天》、《草原夜曲》、《鼓舞》、《二妞和铁蛋》等,多次在全国舞蹈大赛中获奖。1 989年姚珠珠以制片人和艺术指导身份带队走遍全国边疆少数民族地区,收集、记录我国现存的原始舞蹈资料,历时两年拍摄成大型专题电视纪录片《舞之灵》,被赞誉为新时期中国舞蹈界最重大的无形文化遗产记录和研究成果之一。姚珠珠现任多项社会职务,活跃于文化艺术界和企业界。
Yaozhu Zhu: Director of China Dancer Association, Actor at the national level, member of the 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th National Political Commissar, first-generation dancer trained by New China. Since 1882, , From teacher Dai Ailian, walking and dancing has been more than 61 years. In the large-scale song and dance epic “Dongfanghong” as the leading dance, on behalf of the works of “Flying”, “Prairie Nocturne”, “inspiration”, “two little girl and iron egg”, many times in the national dance contest award-winning. In 1989, Yao Zhizhu, led by producer and art director, traveled all over the border minority nationalities in the country to collect and record the original dance data of our country. After two years of filming, he became the major feature television documentary “The Spirit of Dance” and was praised as One of the Most Important Intangible Cultural Heritage Records and Research Results in Chinese Dance in the New. Yao Zhuzhu is currently in various social roles and is active in the arts and culture industry and the business community.