
来源 :幼儿教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cl157967874
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上海市杨浦幼儿园举行家长联欢会,我和爱人带着孩子兴冲冲地赶去参加。联欢活动的内容十分丰富,其中最有趣、最吸引人的活动是小朋友和家长一起包馄饨,吃馄饨。我们到时,饭厅里已有不少家长和孩子,有的正在包着馄饨,有的已在品尝。我女儿拉着她母亲洗完手一本正经包起来,还不时地招呼:“妈妈 Shanghai Yangpu kindergarten parenting party, I and my lover excitedly rushed to attend the children. The festival is full of content, of which the most interesting and attractive one is the children and parents package wonton and eat wonton. When we arrived, there were already many parents and children in the dining room, some of them were wrapping wontons, and some were already tasting. My daughter took her mother and finished her hands-on package, but also from time to time to say hello: "Mom
摘要:就业问题是我国现阶段面临的主要宏观经济问题之一,本文用计量经济方法分析了我国三大产业和就业之间的关系。结果表明:经历了产业结构的变化,第三产业成为中国就业的新引擎,就业问题的实质性解决有赖于产业结构的进一步优化升级。  关键词:产业结构;就业;计量分析  中图分类号:D632.1文献标识码:A文章编号:1672-3309(2008)12-0034-03     一、引言    就业是西方经济