Days of Fun In ancient China, animals were endowed with mysterious enigmatic colors and magical powers. Since the early Neolithic era, animal-shaped accessories have become an eternal theme in Chinese jade culture. Animal modeling Regardless of the island, fish, turtles, rabbits, tigers and other real animals or dragons, phoenix and other deification animals, all embody the ancient aesthetic awareness and religious concepts. Baoji ■ unearthed in the cemetery is a major feature of jade is not only a large number of jade objects modeling, and the species is complete, common deer, tiger, rabbit, turtle, bird, cicada, silkworm, etc. are reflected. Western Zhou Dynasty deer (Figure 1) 9.0 cm high, 1974 Baoji ■ country graves Rujiazhuang No. 1 unearthed. This jade deer carved beautiful, the performance is a rapid run