The year 2006 is coming to an end. We have selected nine lesson examples from numerous submissions, and we have created such an “excellent lesson playback” album, similar to a year-end inventory. In the past year, the “Section Discussion Seminar” column has developed well under the protection of readers. The number of submissions and the level of submissions have been rising day by day. We have made rough statistics: In 2006, there were more than 1,200 manuscripts received in this section, but due to the limited layout, only four class cases can be published in each issue, and the manuscripts in the full year amount to more than 50! In the manuscript, we have the regret of leaving behind beads of beads! This time we have published this group of wonderful lesson examples at the end of the year. It is also a small measure to make up for our regrets! We have compiled 12 lesson examples throughout the year and presented them before our eyes. Fascinating scenery: A variety of teaching styles, various teaching methods, different types of classes, and different perspectives, competing to show, colorful, colorful! At present, although our mother tongue education has received many criticisms, but when we face these Lessons - the essence of these many actors’ thinkers’ exploration - we have to pay tribute! This is a typical style of a great era! We have ample reason to drum up for such an era!