为了贯彻落实自治区无线电管理技术设施建设”九五“规划 ,实现2000年的奋斗目标 ,新疆自治区无线电监测站在昌吉州召开了伊犁、吐鲁番等10地州市无线电管理处领导和技术人员参加的移动监测车监测、测向演示、比对现场会。自治区无线电监测站彭涛工程师向大家分别介绍了
In order to implement the “Ninth Five-Year” plan for the construction of radio management technology and facilities in the autonomous region and realize the goal of the year 2000, the Radio Monitoring Station of the Xinjiang Autonomous Region held mobile and radio technical personnel in 10 prefectures and cities of Yili and Turpan Prefecture in Changji Monitoring car monitoring, direction demonstration, compared to the scene. Autonomous Region radio monitoring station Peng Tao engineer introduced to you separately