编辑同志: 我周围有一部分退休老人认为,家务劳动也是一种活动,也能增进身体健康。因此认为做了家务就不需要参加体育锻炼了。这种说法和想法正确吗? 江苏读者 李敏李敏同志: 用家务劳动替代体育锻炼的说法是不全面的。从事家务
Editorial Comrades: Some retired people around me think that domestic work is also an activity that can also promote good health. So I think doing housework does not need to participate in physical exercise. This statement and the idea is correct? Li Min, Li Min, reader in Jiangsu Province: the use of housework instead of physical exercise is not comprehensive. Engaged in housework