能够亲历国庆庆典现场,是一份光荣,也是一份责任。我的指定位置在“游行队伍两侧”。事前,我一直在想,怎么是两侧?长长的大街上都是游行的群众,应该是不允许随便穿越的。到达现场后,才知道,从劳动人民文化宫一直往东的广阔天地都属于我的活动范围,而阅兵式正式开始前是可以穿越大街的。 就这样,举世瞩目的国庆大典和我是咫尺之遥,却又万里之远:高高的红墙和密集的人群决定了我的位置看不到方队正步走过天安门城楼前的场景,也看
To celebrate the National Day celebration scene, is a glorious, but also a responsibility. My designated location is “on both sides of the parade.” Beforehand, I always wondered how the two sides of the street were paraded through the long streets and should not be allowed to cross the border. After arriving at the scene, I realized that the vast expanse of land east of the Cultural Palace of Working People belonged to the scope of my activities, and the parade can be traversed just before the official start of the parade. In this way, the world-renowned National Day ceremony and I are within easy reach, but miles away: tall red walls and crowds of people determine my location can not see square square walking through Tiananmen Square in front of the scene, also Look