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1995年,河南安阳市的吴新芬通过书信结识了时任西藏军区边防某部排长的王俊景,从此开始书信联系。1997年,王俊景同志为驻地群众抢修高压线路时,不幸被高压电击中,失去双臂,左腿膝关节不能活动,高位致残。为了悉心照料王俊景,吴新芬辞去工作,并顶着各方面的压力,毅然与王俊景结婚,随王俊景一起回河南禹州老家生活。8年来,吴新芬含辛茹苦、勤俭操持,只求付出、不图回报,用真情和爱心为家人撑起一方湛蓝的天空,用诚实守信、纯朴善良、吃苦耐劳、无私奉献的高尚品格,描绘了一幅中国当代青年知荣明耻、自强不息、顽强拼搏、乐观向上的壮美画卷。2006年9月4日中共西藏自治区委员会作出《关于授予吴新芬同志“践行社会主义荣辱观的好军嫂”的决定》。在《决定》中说:“吴新芬同志是当代共产党员的优秀代表,是践行社会主义荣辱观的先进典范,是热爱祖国、支持国防事业的模范军嫂,是全区党员、青年和广大群众学习的好榜样。她的感人事迹和高尚情操,是中华民族传统美德和时代精神的集中体现,是建设社会主义和谐社会的宝贵精神财富,是当前全国正在开展的树立社会主义荣辱观教育活动的生动教材。为进一步教育全区广大党员、干部和群众、特别是青少年以实际行动树立和践行社会主义荣辱观,努力为建设平安西藏、小康西藏、和谐西藏贡献力量,引导全区各族干部各界群众关心支持国防建设事业,区党委决定,授予吴新芬同志‘践行社会主义荣辱观的好军嫂’荣誉称号,并在全区广泛开展向吴新芬同志学习的活动。”《西藏文学》刊登蔡泓谷和大侠撰写的报告文学作品《大爱无言》,并向好军嫂吴新芬同志表示崇高的敬意。 In 1995, Wu Xinfen of Anyang City, Henan Province, got acquainted with Wang Jujing, who was a platoon leader of the border guards of the Tibet Military Region through his letters, and began to write letters and correspondence. In 1997, when Comrade Wang Junjing repaired the high-voltage lines for the resident masses, he was unlucky to be hit by high-voltage electric shocks, losing his arms and unable to move his left knee and causing disability at a high level. In order to take good care of Wang Junjing, Wu Xinfen resigned from work, and withstand all aspects of pressure, and Wang Junjing married, with Wang Junjing back to Henan Yuzhou home life. In the past 8 years, Wu Xin-fen has been working hard and thriftily, only to pay and not to repay himself. With his true love and compassion, he propped up a clear blue sky for his family and painted a noble character with honesty and trustworthiness, simple and kindness, hard working and selfless dedication Chinese contemporary youth know shameful, self-improvement, tenacious struggle, optimistic upward magnificent picture. On September 4, 2006, the CPC Tibet Autonomous Region Commission made the “Decision on Awarded Comrade Wu Xinfen’s Good Military and Sister-Sao” Practicing the Socialist Concept of Honor and Disgrace. “ Said in the Decision: Comrade Wu Xinfen is an outstanding representative of the contemporary communists, an advanced model for practicing the socialist concept of honor and disgrace, a model sister-in-law who loves the motherland and supports national defense, and is a member of the party, youth and the general public in the region Her impressive deeds and noble sentiments are the concentrated embodiment of the traditional Chinese virtues and the spirit of the times and the valuable spiritual asset for building a harmonious socialist society and are vivid in the current education campaign to establish a socialist concept of honor and disgrace In order to further educate the vast majority of party members, cadres and the masses in the whole region, especially young people, take concrete actions to establish and practice the socialist concept of honor and disgrace, and make every effort to contribute to building a safe Tibet, well-to-do Tibet and harmonious Tibet and to guide cadres from all ethnic groups across the region Concerned with and supporting the cause of national defense construction, the district party committee decided to grant Comrade Wu Xinfen the honorary title of ”Good Military Sisters in Practicing the Socialist Concept of Honor and Disgrace and carried out extensive activities in the region to learn from Comrade Wu Sinfen.“ ”Tibetan Literature“ Man wrote the reportage works ”big love speechless", and to good military Sao Wu Xin Fen comrades expressed their highest respect.
每年11月11日,皇家英国退伍军人协会(The Royal British Legion),这个致力于为军人及其家庭服务的“老牌”慈善组织,在掀起浓厚“拥军”热潮的同时,也将它著名的标志——深红
往仙人湖山庄求职未果聊赋短句以酬  朱医师  梗泛何来此,渔樵两不谋。  乱峰争地出,寒水接天浮。  云幻龙腾影,风高气欲秋。  散将千丈发,长啸放轻舟。  暮归仙人台  朝发山之脚,暮归云外村。  千岩飞叶响,一线夕阳昏。  篱破花空吐,家迁梦尚温。  悄依荒岵立,垂泪赋招魂。  远志斋医家来访山居聊书数句相酬  倾罢山家酿,扶醺步大荒。  松声喧旦暮,野色变玄黄。  遁世原无地,颐生信有方。 
客居春城,冬日傍晚奔走路中作  一抹残阳黯淡红,四围峦岫起悲风。  梅开寂寞严寒里,人在江湖辗转中。  客居春城见花飞寄远  拂面生寒柳絮风,绿遮曲径半空■。  小园闲立千秋架,红白花飞薄暮中。  散步时有作  芳草青青着雨肥,清明岭上白云飞。  桃花沦陷春天里,一片缤纷欲突围。  金陵雨中别江南一愚兄  泠泠风动满湖幽,红白花飞绝似秋。  一种心情怎排解,直看雨湿帝王州。  游玄武湖作  淡淡馨