世界经济论坛(World Economic Forum,简称WEF)于2008年10月8日发布了《全球竞争力报告2008—2009》的评比结果。中国大陆在134个参评经济体中名列第30、较上年进步4位。按可比口径计算,这是我国继去年进步1位基础上的再度提升,也是首次跻身于前30强势经济体。一、本年度评比的相关说明(一)评比指标体系没有变化今年WEF的全球竞争力评比,使用了与去年相同的评价体系与方法。
The World Economic Forum (WEF) released the results of the Global Competitiveness Report 2008-2009 on October 8, 2008. Mainland China ranked 30th among 134 participating economies, 4 more than the previous year. Calculated on a comparable basis, this is the first improvement in our country based on the progress made by the previous year and is also the first time among the top 30 most powerful economies. I. Description of the Year’s appraisal (I) No change in appraisal index system This year’s WEF appraised the global competitiveness by using the same appraisal system and method as last year.