Translation is a difficult point in English learning. Translation is the exchange between two languages on the basis of equal amounts of information. However, it is not enough to simply translate the contents of the original texts because the translations are intended for people, especially those who speak the native languages, while the English and Chinese languages are quite different in structure. Not only to translate the content correctly, but also to use its own native language to reassemble it, so that people can accept. So before doing translation, we should fully understand the difference between English and Chinese languages. Chinese belongs to the Sino-Tibetan language family, and English belongs to the Indo-European language family. The two languages have their own characteristics in terms of word formation, lexical and syntactic forms, but there are still many differences between them. A kind of “layered” language, there is no conjunctions in Chinese and there are more complex sentences, which can pull several logically related independent sentences together with a comma