夜来香(Telosma cordata),又名夜香花、夜兰香。为萝科夜来香属藤状灌木,有乳汁。小枝被短柔毛。叶对生,伞状聚伞花序腋生,多花,稍被毛。花黄绿色,有芳香,夜间尤甚。花期5~9月。开花期间,白天花瓣微闭,只散布微微香气,夕阳下落,夜幕降临时,黄绿色花瓣张开,送出浓烈的香味。而一到天亮,花瓣又轻轻闭合,将芳香慢慢收敛起来。夜来香的香味很浓,有显著的驱蚊作用。它的花还是广州名菜的配料,花和蛋或肉类烹炒,清香可口。原产热带亚洲,现在我国长江流域以及南方各省区均有栽培。但多数作盆栽,在室内越冬。家庭之中,如遇大冷天,只要加塑料袋遮盖,放在南窗内阳光直射处,就可使其安全越冬。室温不低于5℃以下,植株不会落叶。家中室内因温度不够而致落叶,但此并非冻害,翌年春天,将再吐新叶。夜来香喜阳光充足、通风良好的环境。
Night to Hong (Telosma cordata), also known as night incense, night orchid. To Luo Ke night Camellia shrub, with milk. Branchlets pubescent. Leaves opposite, umbrella-shaped cymes axillary, multi-flowered, slightly hairs. Yellow-green, fragrant, especially at night. Flowering from May to September. During the flowering period, the petals are slightly closed during the day, and only slight fragrance is scattered. When the sunset falls, the yellow-green petals open and give a strong fragrance. And dawn, petals and gently closed, the fragrance slowly converge. The smell of noctilucent is very strong, there is a significant mosquito repellent effect. Its flower or Guangzhou cuisine ingredients, flowers and eggs or meat cooked, fragrant and delicious. Originally tropical Asia, now China’s Yangtze River Basin and the southern provinces have cultivated. But most for potted plants, winter indoors. Family, in case of big cold days, as long as plastic bags covered, placed in the south window in the direct sunlight, you can make it safe and wintering. Room temperature is not lower than 5 ℃, the plant will not deciduous. Home indoors due to lack of temperature caused by deciduous, but this is not a frost damage, the following spring, will spit new leaves. Night Laixiang hi sunny, well-ventilated environment.