16世纪西班牙的探险家庞斯·戴利略为寻找青春之泉而不辞辛苦,远途跋涉至美洲大陆,没想到却因擅自踏入印地安人的领地而招致杀身之祸,死时只有47岁。 当时在戴利略看来属于遥不可及的梦想,今天早就变成了现实。通过人们的努力,人的预期寿命在短短的100年中已经翻了一番。 因此,有人说,现在紧迫的问题不是如何从医学上延长人的寿命,而是如何让增
In the 16th century Spanish explorer Pons dellillo sought the fountain of youth and worked tirelessly to travel long distances to the mainland of the Americas. He did not expect that he would suffer a lethal accident because of unauthorized entry into the Indian territory, at the time of death, only 47 year old. It was a distant dream in the eyes of Delilah and it turned out to be a reality today. Through human efforts, life expectancy has doubled in just 100 years. Therefore, some people say that the pressing issue now is not how to extend the life expectancy of people medically, but how to make the increase