In recent decades, the scope of thyroid cancer surgery has undergone changes. Before the 1950s, due to the general removal of only local tumors, many people died of relapse. In view of this, in the subsequent stage, many tend to emphasize the radical nature of surgery. In addition to bilateral total thyroidectomy, so-called “cervical bulk resection”, including the anterior cervical, sternocleidomastoid, and internal jugular veins, has become popular for the thorough dissection of cervical lymph nodes. With further understanding of the biological characteristics of various thyroid cancers, at the same time, radical neck dissection often significantly impairs the appearance of patients, sometimes with severe complications, disability, and even death. Therefore, in the past decade or so, it has tended to formulate a reasonable scope of surgery based on specific cases. In fact, under the general name of thyroid cancer, it includes a series of lesions with different biological characteristics. For example, in the case of papillary thyroid cancer in men less than 40 years old and women less than 50 years old, the cure rate is extremely high.