数码相机从诞生之日起发展到今天,技术已经越来越成熟。目前的数码相机像素越来越高,功能越来越多,已经完全能够满足普通用户的要求。而Sanyo新近推出的VPC-SX500却为数码相机开拓了另一种思路——附带摄像、录音功能的百万级像素的数码相机。 VPC-SX500机身非常小巧,以致于我们初见到它时都无法相信这么小的机器能拥有那么多的功能。它的小巧与Sanyo公司的独特设计是分不开的。SX500没有独立的电源开关,当打开镜头盖的时候电源会自动打开,使用非常方便。其调节、
Digital cameras from the date of birth to today, technology has become more sophisticated. The current digital camera pixels higher and higher, more and more features, has been fully able to meet the requirements of ordinary users. The Sanyo’s recently introduced VPC-SX500 has opened up another idea for digital cameras - with camera, audio recording megapixel digital camera. The VPC-SX500’s body is so compact that when we first saw it we could not believe that such a small machine could have so many features. Its compact size is inseparable from Sanyo’s unique design. SX500 does not have a separate power switch, when you open the lens cover power will automatically open, easy to use. Its regulation,