滇西水泥厂位于云南省西部重镇大理市郊,邻近洱海。基本风压值0.6kN/m~2,建筑抗震设计按9度设防。属高地震烈度和高风速地区。本文以滇西水泥厂为例拟对高地震烈度和高风速地区水泥厂土建设计特点谈点粗浅认识。1 多层及高层框架结构一般以风荷载起控制作用 水泥厂建(构)筑物大多体型不规则,立面有错层,设备荷载大。如提升机房其高宽比多在5~7之间,超出规范规定较多;窑尾塔架高68.6m,大大超过规范中9度地震区框架结构高度限值(45m)的规定。
Luxi Cement Factory is located in the outskirts of Dali City, the western town of Yunnan Province, near Bohai Sea. The basic wind pressure value is 0.6kN/m~2, and the seismic design of the building is set at 9 degrees. It is a region with high seismic intensity and high wind speed. This paper takes the cement plant in Luxi as an example to discuss the characteristics of the civil engineering design of cement plants in areas with high seismic intensity and high wind speed. 1 The multi-layer and high-rise frame structures generally play a role in controlling wind loads. Most of the buildings (structures) in cement plants are irregular in shape, with split floors and large equipment loads. For example, the height-width ratio of the hoisting equipment room is mostly between 5 and 7, which exceeds the specifications. The height of the kiln-tail tower is 68.6m, which greatly exceeds the height limit (45m) of the frame structure in the 9-degree earthquake zone.