Intensive cultivation of rice, potassium deficiency often become a limiting factor for high yield. Many references recommend applying potassium and phosphorus as a base fertilizer at the last site preparation. Japan first discovered that when potash fertilizer as a top dressing or application can greatly increase production. The best time to topdress potassium is 35-40 days before heading. Recently a series of experiments were conducted in Indonesia and the Philippines where potassium was applied at maximum tillering stage at four different times of treatment. Just transplanting rice plants, the demand for potassium is small, reached the peak between the maximum tillering and heading. The effectiveness of potash is often the highest in the early stages of plant growth. Roots and roots of rice seedlings absorb potassium more efficiently. Potassium absorption and root respiration have a relationship. Over time, oxygen content in flooded soils diminishes. Root excretion of oxygen less and less, the ability of the root to absorb potassium is reduced.