
来源 :中国运动医学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wujie1983
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目的:研究优秀男子业余拳击运动员颈椎损伤情况,分析其常见症状、体征的分布特征及X线特征。方法:以国家拳击队、河南省拳击队61名优秀男子业余拳击运动员为研究对象,由运动创伤专业医师对其进行颈部损伤的症状调查和体征检查;并为其中30名有头部受重击受伤史且伴有颈痛症状者拍摄颈椎X线正侧位、双斜位片进行观察和测量。对所获数据进行统计分析。结果:共计61例样本中,有头部受重击史49人,占80.3%。列前4位的症状依次是颈痛(68.9%)、颈性头晕(62.3%)、颈性头痛(49.2%)和颈部活动受限(39.3%)。C2棘突旁压痛、C2-3小关节压痛、枕下三角压痛等3个阳性体征出现频率最高,皆为38人(62.3%);颈性头痛、颈性头晕、颈痛、颈部活动受限、枕下三角压痛、C2棘突压痛、C2-3小关节压痛等7个症状和体征的发生与头部受重击密切相关。30例X线样本中,棘突偏离中线以C2最多(96.7%),棘突偏歪整体分布自上而下逐渐减少;小关节双边征以C3-4分布频率最高(53.3%);颈曲均值为26.59±1.93°,明显小于正常人群;椎间孔狭窄以C3-4最多(40%)。结论:优秀男子业余拳击运动员颈椎损伤特点是上位颈椎损伤几率较高;X线特征是棘突偏歪自上而下逐渐减少,小关节双影以C3-4出现率最高,颈椎曲度明显小于普通人群,C3-4和C4-5椎间孔狭窄发生率较高;头部受重击是拳击运动员颈椎损伤的主要致病因素之一。 Objective: To study the cervical spine injuries of elite male amateur boxing athletes and analyze the distribution and X-ray features of common symptoms and signs. Methods: 61 elite male amateur boxers from the national boxing team and Henan boxing team were selected as the research objects. Symptom investigation and physical examination of the neck injuries were carried out by the sports trauma professional physicians. Hit the history of injury and accompanied by symptoms of neck pain were photographed cervical X-ray is lateral, double oblique film for observation and measurement. The data obtained for statistical analysis. Results: In a total of 61 cases, there were 49 patients with head head injuries, accounting for 80.3%. The top 4 symptoms were neck pain (68.9%), neck dizziness (62.3%), neck headache (49.2%) and neck activity (39.3%). Cervical headache, neck dizziness, neck pain, cervical activity were the most frequent occurrence of three positive signs: C2 spinous process side tenderness, C2-3 facet joint tenderness, suboccipital triangular tenderness and so on. Limitations, suboccipital triangular tenderness, C2 spinous process tenderness, C2-3 facet joint tenderness and other symptoms and signs of 7 head heavy blow are closely related. In 30 cases of X-ray samples, the spinous process shifted C2 to the maximum (96.7%) and the whole distribution of spinous process decreased gradually from top to bottom. The bilateral sign of C2-3 in the facet joint was the highest (53.3%), The mean value was 26.59 ± 1.93 °, which was significantly smaller than that of the normal population. The maximal intervertebral foramen stenosis was C3-4 (40%). Conclusion: The characteristics of cervical spine injuries of elite male amateur boxing athletes are characterized by a higher risk of cervical spine injury. The X-ray feature is that the spinous process deviation is gradually reduced from top to bottom. The appearance of C3-4 in the double joints is highest, The general population, C3-4 and C4-5 foraminal stenosis higher incidence; head hit is one of the main risk factors of cervical spine injury in boxers.
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