因叛徒出卖而入狱,李子洲陷入深沉的回忆中 1928年夏天,坚持了50多天的渭华起义被敌人残酷地镇压下去了,起义军民的鲜血染红了滚滚渭河水。 起义失败后,在敌人用铁血制造的白色恐怖下,共产党员和革命群众有的被捕,有的被杀,也有的逃跑了,叛变了。关中道上,崇高者和卑劣者共同串演着一出交织着崇高与卑劣的活剧。
Prisoner betrayed and jailed, Li Zizhou plunged into deep memories In the summer of 1928, the Weihua Uprising, which persisted for more than 50 days, was brutally suppressed by the enemy. The blood of the rebel civilians dyed the Weihe River. After the uprising failed, some communists and revolutionary masses were arrested under the white terror created by the enemy with Jagged. Some were killed, others escaped and mutinied. Guanzhong Road, the lofty and despicable commoner staged an interweave of lofty and despicable live drama.