IETICT 2013, Beijing, China 27th -29th April, 2013 www.ietict.org www.ciict.netThe 2013 IET International Conference on Information and Communications Technologies (IETICT2013) will be held 27th -29th April 2013 in Beijing, in conjunction with China-Ireland International Conference on Information and Communications Technologies (CIICT2013). CIICT has been an international conference since its inception in 2006, and
IETICT 2013, Beijing, China 27th -29th April, 2013 www.ietict.org www.ciict.netThe 2013 IET International Conference on Information and Communications Technologies (IETICT 2013) will be held 27th -29th April 2013 in Beijing, in conjunction with China- Ireland International Conference on Information and Communications Technologies (CIICT 2013). CIICT has been an international conference since its inception in 2006, and