我国是世界上植物资源最丰富的国家之一。可食用的野生菜类植物相当多。随着城乡居民生活水平的不断提高,人们日益追求合理的膳食结构。呼唤“绿色食品”、“天然食品”,许多地方兴起野菜热,因而,大力开发野菜资源,也是适应市场需求,创收致富,丰富人们菜篮子的一项工程。 野生菜具有许多与种植菜不同的特点,一是适应性广,抗逆性强,便于操作管理。二是营养丰富。据我国营养学家分析,许多野生菜不仅含有多
Our country is one of the countries with the most abundant plant resources in the world. Edible wild vegetables quite a lot. With the continuous improvement of living standards of urban and rural residents, people increasingly pursue a reasonable diet. Calling for “green food” and “natural food”, wild herbs are appearing in many places. Therefore, vigorously developing wild vegetable resources is also a project that can adapt to market demand, generate income and enrich and enrich people’s food basket. Wild vegetables have many different characteristics with the cultivation of vegetables, one wide adaptability, strong resistance, easy to operate and manage. Second, nutrient-rich. According to our nutritionist analysis, many wild vegetables contain not only more