Mondini畸形是一种先天性内耳畸形,主要表现为听力下降。由于过去对该病认识不足容易误诊。现将我科2010年6月收治的1例病例报告如下。1病历摘要患儿,女,10岁,因右耳听力下降8 d以突发性耳聋收入院。患者于8 d前上呼吸道感染、发热后自觉右耳听力下降,渐进加重,无耳痛及耳漏,无头痛、眩晕,无呕吐。患儿既往亦
Mondini deformity is a congenital inner ear deformity, mainly manifested as hearing loss. Due to lack of understanding of the disease in the past easily misdiagnosed. Now our department in June 2010 admitted to a case report is as follows. 1 medical records summary Children, female, 10 years old, due to the right ear hearing loss 8 d to sudden deaf income hospital. Patients on the 8th day before the upper respiratory tract infection, fever, conscious right ear hearing loss, progressive increase, no earache and ear leaks, no headache, dizziness, no vomiting. Children also past