肠杆菌科鉴定依靠生化学和血清学方法常需做生化项目20种以上 ,近年我国吸取国外经验制订了细菌编码手册,根据细菌各种不同生化反应出现的机率,经统计学处理而得一数码即代表某种或某类细菌,同时有不同类型的生化微量板及微量管作为商品供应,使用方便,易于保存,简化肠杆菌科的生化鉴定,亦有利于细菌质控工作开展,但鉴于我市
Enterobacteriaceae identification rely on biochemical and serological methods often need to do more than 20 biochemical projects, in recent years, our country draws on foreign experience in the development of a bacterial coding manual, according to the probability of various biochemical reactions of bacteria, the statistics obtained a digital That represents a certain type of bacteria or bacteria. In addition, there are different types of biochemical microplates and microtubes for the supply of goods. It is easy to use, easy to store and simplify the biochemical identification of Enterobacteriaceae. It is also conducive to the quality control of bacteria. However, city