Analysis and Trends for Future MEMS Markets

来源 :Computer Aided Drafting,Design and Manufacturing | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jswrde
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Micro and Nano technology are engineering on an extremely small scale. Already they are being applied to create many new products. Nanotechnology is predicted to become the basis for remarkably powerful and inexpensive computers, fundamentally new medical technologies that could save millions of lives, sensors important in military application as well as environmental protection. The main aim of this review is to concentrate information from different printed and online sources and help to make a right decision in very dynamic sensor market as well as let know what we should expect in the nearest future. Micro and Nano technology are engineering on an extremely small scale. Already they are being applied to create many new products. Nanotechnology is predicted to become the basis for remarkably powerful and inexpensive computers, fundamentally new medical technologies that could save millions of lives, sensors important in military application as well as environmental protection. The main aim of this review is to concentrate information from different printed and online sources and help to make a right decision in very dynamic sensor market as well as let know what we should expect in the nearest future .
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是什么让联想三年下来交出了一份还令投资人满意的答卷?答案部分在于联想董事会与管理层小心翼翼地通过一系列的妥协与斗争掌控了整合的方向与节奏——尽管远非完美。 What